Friday, February 20, 2015

Add-ons for Google Apps

There have been quite a few updates made to the Add-ons available for many of the Google Apps.  Here are some of the ones I find most useful.  Add-ons are a great way to enhance your use and the capabilities of the different apps.

Google Forms

1)  formLimiter

formLimiter turns off a Google Form after a max number of responses, at a set date and time, or when a spreadsheet cell equals a value.  Best use I can think of is to turn off access to a form at the end of the period/day for testing purposes.

2)  docAppender

docAppender appends Google Form question responses to the bottom of selected Google Docs.  This would be great for peer reviews of student docs.

3)  g(Math)

Math teachers.....  you've been wanting to know how to insert graphs and complex math equations directly in your forms.  Now you can with g(Math)!   Also available for gSheets!

Also, did you know that you can now shuffle the question order in forms?  Great for helping to keep wandering eyes from look for answers on a neighbor's Chromebook!

Google Docs

1)  EasyBib

EasyBib allows you to automatically cite books, journal articles, and websites by entering in titles or URLs.  You can format you citations in either MLA, APA, or Chicago style.

2)  Thesaurus

This add-on will allow you to search for synonyms, antonyms, and more from within gDocs.  There is support for multiple languages as well!

3)  GFormIt 

This add-on lets users create Google Forms based on the content of Google Docs.  This will auto-generate Forms without having to create it from the Forms editor.

How do I find the Add-on in Docs, Sheets, or Forms?

It's simple!  Once you have opened your document, sheet, or form just go to Add-ons in the Menu bar and click "Get Add-ons". 

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